Electroball and Hoopshoot Guides
Breakanoids and Base Invaders Guides
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There are 2 modes in this game: Randomizer and Custom. Most of the time, you'll be playing Randomizer, so that's what I'll concentrate on here.
Just FYI, Custom involves making your own levels, and the 3DNA "Instructions" panel beneath "Start Game" has information on how to make your own levels.
Also, if anyone has any helpful tips and/or contributions to give to this section, please do contact me and I will give full credit to you when I upload them. I'm not a master at this, but I'm pretty good at the 2D version, and so I'd like to think I can give some general advice on this.
It's very simple. You break a block, you get 50 points.
Left Mouse Button: Releases ball at start of game. Releases ball during Sticky Ball Power Up. Shoots laser with Laser Power Up.
Ctrl + S: Ends the game.
Power Ups
Laser: You can shoot a laser to destroy bricks like the Electroball.
SuperBall: Your ball can destroy a block in one hit, regardless of that block's resilience to hits (how many hits it normally takes to destroy.
Sticky Ball: The ball sticks to the bat after each shot.
Multi-Ball: The ball divides into 3 balls.
Make Go Big: The bat gets bigger.
Make Go Slow: The ball goes slower.
Make Go Small: The bat gets smaller.
Make Go Fast: The ball goes faster.
1) Power Ups usually wear off after about 10-15 seconds (approx).
Hints and Tips
1) Start off with the slow version, and work your way up in speed, and therefore, difficulty.
2) Make sure your mouse glides smoothly on your mousepad (for the faster games).
3) Practice it a bit on the low levels. It takes some getting used to when trying to hit the ball back, because it's 3D, and because of the perspective. I find it very odd anyway.
4) Try and avoid getting the "Smaller bat" and "Faster ball" 'Power Ups'. They can be a challenge for those of you who consider yourselves 'hardcore gamers', but there's no point making life difficult for yourself if you're just trying to get a high score.
Base Invaders
Any contributions here will be welcomed and credit given where due. Note that my best here is Level 9 with 999 missiles and 903650 points.
Miniships (flying saucers? if so, lines of cyan dots on radar): 50 points Medium Range Fighters: 100 points Bomb Droids: 1000 points Heavy Bomber A: 2500 points Heavy Bomber B: 5000 points Mini boss: 10000 points Enemy missile: 11 points Enemy energy ball (never seen one): 1 point
Left Mouse button: Click to shoot!
Mouse: Move around to adjust the view.
Right Mouse button: Click and hold to fire a rocket.
Ctrl + S: Pauses the game, and gives you the option of quitting.
Power Ups
Increase shields:
Increase rocket amount:
Change to better ammo (periodically):
a) You get a limit to the amount of shots with the gun power up. Something like 300 shots perhaps (2 per shot)?? Also, if you get lots of red power ups consecutively, they have a cumulative effect (I had the gun power up constantly for about 5 mins once).
b) Damage taken seems to be as follows:
Missile: 5 or 10 damage
It wouldn't surprise me if some later bosses had massive cannons which they could fire pulse weapons from. But, that's the only one which occurs for me (something about an energy ball on 3DNA's help page, never seen one *shrug*).
c) You get 20 missiles with each blue power up and you get 20 points up on your shield with each green power up.
d) You can only get 999 missiles as your max. Found that out myself.
Hints and Tips
1) Use the radar!! This is top priority if you want to go far in this game. On the later levels when you're surrounded by enemy fighters, you need to know when a missile is near, or you WON'T know what hit you.
2) Save the missiles for the boss. They take way too long to load for ordinary drones.
3) Get as many power ups as you can. They are quite rare, but the Normal Ammo upgrade is a must-have one. If you take lots of damage frequently, you'll need the shield one too.
4) Shoot in front of the targets, especially if they are at distance. When I say 'in front of', I'm talking about the annoying little flying saucers that fly in lines of 5 across your turret.
5) I think that depending on the colour of the 'flying saucers' you destroy, that determines what colour Power Up you get; there are green, blue and red saucers from what I've seen, and each corresponds to the same coloured Power Up from my experience.
6) Destroy their missiles as early as you can. They don't get you many points, but they cause a fair amoutn of damage when they all gang up on you.
7) When you get the gun power up, just hold the left mouse button down!! Turbo-fire is a must for the bosses and missiles, as well as straightline enemies.
8) Try not to fire immediately after shooting missiles (with normal ammo). The ammo will get dispersed and not hit anything. So, use missiles only when the coast is extremely clear. NB: The missiles can also go off course too, sometimes.